HCL Media Lab

HCL Media Lab started on new financial year with “Soft Launch” of much awaited Consumer Services Lab on 31-July- 2013. Retail team is hosting Davis Hennessy, Dixons

HCL Media Lab Highlights

  • Location : CS Lab is in area of 2000 sqft, on the first floor of Software Tower – II, SEZ Campus, Noida facing the water bodies, excellent landscaping and in the backdrop a newly constructed Corporate block.

  • Experience : 1 Lounge Area for hosting, A Digital Age Living Room Experience, 10+ Kiosks for Interactive Demonstration, Gaming Zone, Digital Shelf with equipment and devices across Apple, Blackberry, Samsung and Nokia.

  • Media Supply Chain : A Video Supply chain end to end, with functionalities to shoot, ingest, edit, store and distribute digital content across devices supported. We will have facility to raw shoot a video (as customer is experience the lab), post produce and hand over a DVD of their experience with us. There is also a signature wall to collect customer experience.

  • FLSL Showcase : Host 50+ Solutions and Framework across several horizontals and CS-vertical, effectively demonstrating FLSLs – Digital Value Chain, zCMO, Retail Modernization and Smart Retail

  • Partnerships : We have signed up 10+ partnership like DALET, Front Porch Digital, Ooyala, Nagravision, AMAGI, SintecMedia, Tangerine Digital and Indineon Technologies; actively demonstrating Video Supply Chain, Consumer Experience and Broadcast Management. Delivery team have started training to build up for $100+ million Broadcast & Cable expertise.

  • Additionally, large partners like AWS, EMC, Tibco, IBM, Cisco and SAP (and Hybris) are in being reached out for their showcase.

  • Future : In its phase II, 100+ Solutions will be showcased and the lab will be globally accessible from office in New York, Chicago, Washington DC and London


The lab took 8-9 months of sincere effort by the M&E VSOM team to bring it into the current shape and it was a humongous effort to raise several CAPEX and getting them approved from Commercial, Infrastructure and Finance.

Appreciation Certificate