Prime News
Prime News is a Hindi news channel with 24-hour coverage. Prime News covers breaking news, latest news, politics, entertainment and sports. Prime News delivers reliable information across all platforms: TV, Internet and Mobile.
प्राइम न्यूज़, साधना मीडिया नेटवर्क प्राइवेट लिमिटेड समूह का हिन्दी न्यूज़ चैनल है। इसकी स्थापना प्रतिष्ठित सपांदक मोहसिन खान ने की। 1 जुलाई 2015 को लॉन्च हुआ प्राइम न्यूज़ मौजूदा समय में प्रतिष्ठित हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल में से एक है। प्राइम न्यूज़ उत्तरप्रदेश, उत्तराखंड और दिल्ली की खबरों को मुख्य तौर पर कवर करता है। इसके अलावा देश और दुनिया की हर बड़ी खबर को भी फॉलो करता है।
देश में पत्रकारिता को नया आयाम देने वाले चैनल में प्राइम न्यूज़ का नाम अग्रणी है। प्राइम न्यूज़ ने अपनी टैग लाइन 'क्योंकि सच जरुरी है' पर खरा उतरते हुए बेबाकी से हर खबर का सच अपने दर्शकों तक पहुंचाया है। ऐसे कई उदाहरण है जब प्राइम न्यूज़ ने लोगों की आवाज बनकर उनकी बात शासन-प्रशासन तक पहुंचाई है और उन्हें अपना हक दिलाया है। दुसरी और देश-प्रदेश के कई बड़े नेताओं ने भी प्राइम न्यूज़ के माध्यम से सरकार की उपलब्धि, मुद्दें और योजनाएं लोगों तक पहुंचाई है।
अपने इस सफर में प्राइम न्यूज़ के सामने कई परेशानियां आई लेकिन प्राइम न्यूज़ हमेशा सच के साथ डटा रहा। अपनी इसी कार्यशैली के कारण प्राइम न्यूज़ ने अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाई है। हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल में प्राइम न्यूज़ बिना पक्षपात के हर खबर का सिर्फ सच दिखाता है। प्राइम न्यूज़ ने खोजपूर्ण और निष्पक्ष पत्रकारिता को नया तेवर दिया है। अपनी इस विशेष शैली, सहज भाषा, तेज-तर्रार रिपोर्टिंग, सटीकता और समाचारों के प्रस्तुतीकरण ने प्राइम न्यूज़ को लोकप्रिय चैनल बना दिया और कुछ ही वर्षों में श्रेष्ठ हिन्दी चैनल की सूची में खड़ा किया। कार्यक्रम प्राइम फोकस, इन-साइड-स्टोरी, प्राइम एजेंडा, प्राइम यूपी, प्राइम यूके और सुपरफॉस्ट100 आदि प्राइम न्यूज़ के सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय कार्यक्रम हैं। समाजिक मुद्दों पर आधारित प्राइम न्यूज़ का ख़ास कार्यक्रम 'ज़िंदगी' रचनाओं और चर्चाओं से परिपूर्ण होता है।
Prime News
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Youngest Media Tycoon Mohsin khan, Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief Prime News Channel
Journalism has taken a new edge in this era. The people are rather more affected by the spokesperson than by the news itself. The debates of the news channels are watched with high concentration and all this is just due to the efficient Journalists. Television and radio changed the look of journalism; butTelevision became a most powerful medium.
News is something of an obsession in India. We tune into the daily happenings in our country and around the world through all mediums- print, magazines and most of all TV, with all the fervour and passion usually reserved for cricket, politics and entertainment, but maybe that’s because those subjects dominate our news.
The kingdom of media has becoming a piping hot industry as a career option. A lot of youngsters are starting to consider this as a permanent career option. Not only because the whole nation stick to the TV to remain updated on various news feed around the world, but there is also a huge touch of glamour being added to spice things up. My lovelies I would like you to introduce Mr.Mohsin Khan youngest media tycoon, very handsome & intelligent who is now a inspiration for many.....
There are many broadcast journalists who have influenced journalism, and even the world. One of them is young media tycoon Mr.Mohsin Khan. He is the most distinguished figure in broadcast journalism in India. His integrity and his willingness to go up against the “powers that be” was a mark of his career. He influenced public opinion and even policy by exposing the abuses of power in the government. His newscasts and his news gathering was a standard of journalism for years now. Mohsin Khan nobbed with decision makers and interviewed the powerful. He is influential, interviewing the politically powerful, and for exposing government cover-ups. Well known for his ability to get the powerful decision makers to explain them. Journalists occupy a contestable role in news broadcasts. Some argue that media persons have become sensationalized characters whose identities overshadow the news itself while others cite them as necessary figureheads of "wisdom and truth in the news broadcast. The role of the journalists has changed in recent years following the advent of satirical journalism and citizen journalism, both of which relocate the interpretation of truth outside traditional professional journalism, but the place journalists hold in Indian media remains consistent. One of today’s most influential broadcast journalists is Mohsin Khan no doubt. He is seen everywhere, and is one of the most well-known insiders in India. Indeed, his shows and his ability to be heard make him a force to be reckoned with. His stories are aimed at helping people understand what is going on and reaches hundreds of thousands in their homes.Mr Khan is known for his hard work and integrity.
Mr. Mohsin Khan is a young person with innovative and matured thoughts. He had been awarded as a youngest media tycoon of the country. He completed his professional studies from United Kingdom. He is the Member of Rotary club and many social NGOs…besides he is a true socialite with numerous philanthropic activities. Mr. Mohsin Khan has got good experience in TV production He has been managerially and editorially heading Prime News Channel besides other ventures. He has been the Anchor of flagship program “ZINDAGI” and many more other programs being produced by Prime News. PRIME NEWS is a fastest growing and Leading Hindi News Channel that has been admired and praised by ministers, celebrities, other fraternity and public at a large, for its look and feel, content and penetration etc. Prime News is available PAN India on DTH like TATA Sky 546 and Airtel 325, besides other ground cable networks. You can stay updated with all the latest happenings around the globe with PRIME NEWS online news portal i.e. You Can follow him on twitter-